Ascent Industries Witnesses Significant Rise in Short-Term Interest Rates Honored by Stifel Nikolaus

Recent data showed Ascent Industries (NASDAQ:ACNT) experienced a significant increase in short interest rates in May of this year. A total of 8,700 shares were reportedly shorted as of May 31, up 77.6% from the previous total of 4,900 shares as of May 15. Currently, only 0.1% of the company’s shares are sold short. However, based on an average daily trading volume of 7,700 shares, the short-selling ratio is currently low at 1.1 days.

Ascent Industries opened Wednesday’s stock market at $10.02, bringing the company’s market capitalization to $101.9 million, with a price/earnings multiple of 16.16 and a beta of 0.72. His performance over the past year has been impressive considering his all-time high reached $18, while his all-time high was $8.11.

Ascent Industries Co. is a U.S.-based, internationally-operated industrial company with two divisions, Tubular Products and Specialty Chemicals. We specialize in local sales. It operates primarily by producing welded pipes and tubes from stainless steel, duplex metals, or nickel alloys, as well as making galvanized carbon tubes and related stainless steel pipe products.

Stifel Nikolaus recently rated Ascent Industries stock as worthy to buy on June 1 and began covering the stock for future periods with a price tag of $20. is noteworthy.

Ascent Industry Co., Ltd.



Updated: 2023/06/14

target price

the current $9.72

consensus $0.00

low $0.00

Median $0.00

expensive $0.00

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Ascent Industries Reports Promising First Quarter Earnings, Institutional Investors Show Confidence in Future Opportunities

Ascent Industries (NASDAQ:ACNT) recently released quarterly earnings data for March 31, 2023. The company reported that he could expect earnings per share of $0.01 in the first quarter of this year, with earnings for the same period reaching an impressive $81.56 million. While this is good news for Ascent Industries and its shareholders, a closer look at the numbers is essential to discerning key insights and understanding where the organization is headed.

The company posted a net profit margin of 1.74%, demonstrating that Ascent Industries is managing expenses efficiently. However, the return on equity was only 4.97%, suggesting that the company may have areas where it could further improve its business. These metrics are very important in evaluating a company’s performance because they reveal how much profit a company generates for each dollar of its shareholders’ equity or revenue.

Looking ahead to the rest of the year, equity research analysts expect Ascent Industries to post earnings per share of minus 0.54 this year, leaving room for growth as the year progresses.

Additionally, institutional investors have recently changed their positions in ACNT, a sign of confidence in the future of Ascent Industries as an investment opportunity. Victory Capital Management Inc., Morgan Stanley, Deltec Asset Management LLC, Merit Financial Group LLC, and Geode Capital Management LLC have all acquired new positions in Ascent Industries shares in recent months.

The addition of these institutional investors demonstrates potential growth opportunities for Ascent Industries in terms of market performance and internal business management strategy. Financial institutions seek to obtain a long-term positive return on their investments, so they focus on companies that offer exceptional returns and the prospect of growing profits and increasing earnings over time.

Institutional investors hold up to 20.91% of ACNT shares, while demonstrating willingness to increase their exposure to the stock at other times. You can see how enthusiastic we are about the future.

In conclusion, Ascent Industries’ recent financial results have shown excellent results, with net profit margin and return on equity being key performance indicators to be evaluated. In addition, institutional investors have expressed interest in the company’s stock and are repositioning it, suggesting a positive outlook for Ascent Industries as a whole. Time will tell how well this organization will perform in the long term, but things are looking up for this growing company within the cannabis sector.

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